Monday, February 13, 2006

michelle kwan

so the winter olympics is here. do you get excited when the olympics comes around? there really is magic around the olympics. resulting in hours wasted in front of the tv. the drama. the pressure.

but this olympics, the talk has been on michelle kwan. the darling on the ice. I've watched all her olympic skates. unfortunately although she is such a beauty to watch on ice, the jumps have always troubled her. she lacks the ease and smooth jumping skills of tara lipinski and sarah hughes. I don't know why she seems to fare better in the world championships since I don't watch those. this year after hearing about the controversy regarding her entry into the olympics, I didn't know what to think. the officials know best right? afterall, I didn't watch the nationals and from what I hear, the alternate is not really a medal hopeful. as for kwan, after watching her falter twice, and with the increasing toughness of the field, I didn't think she was going to do it this time either. then I learned that because of kwan finishing 4th in the world championships, the US can now send 3 instead of just 2 skaters, since she created the spot, I suppose she deserves it. furthermore, she did finish 4th in the worlds, even though that has not helped her before. and now with her additional injury, we won't get to see her skate in torino. I do feel sad for her, seeing how hard she has tried. it really is too bad. having been the best in the world and not win an olympic gold. hopefully she can let it go.

posted under in the news.


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