Friday, December 02, 2005

oh the flamers!

hrmm.. so now daphne's gone as well. gone private that is. time to scratch that link off the sidebar. first blog I followed that has gone under. all her flamers calling her a fake! it was quite funny to watch.
'you're not that rich!'
'we're the real rich ones!'
'us the real rich scoff at you the fake rich!'

why do they bother??? is daphne rich? I don't know. most rich foreign students drive beamers in the states. or SLKs if they prefer *ahem*. so you go figure. but what does that have to do with her blog? ok, you can say that she's spending too much money on material things if she's not that rich. but why do you actually care? it is up to her friends and family to tell her otherwise. afterall, we as strangers, shouldn't care if she wastes her parent's hard earned money. I definitely don't. no matter how you look at it, the flamers have to be jealous. daphne babbles on about her shopping, her travels, her parties. she doesn't bitch about others. so what is the big deal? jealous of her blog's popularity? or is it the boasting that ticked you off? *yawn*

do all these jealous flamings just happen in the malaysian/singaporean blogosphere? probably not. that's what comment moderation is for. why should we stigmatize bloggers that moderate their comments? why should bloggers display insults on their blog? sure, if she lied or whatever, it's fair game. but calling people names like ugly, evil, slut, bitch.... wtf!!??

oh well, what daphne did write about her ex was a little uncalled for. blogging about someone else's weak moments for all to see is quite tasteless. much like character assassination. you just can't do that when you've told everyone before who he is, pictures and all. anyhow, it's over. seemingly. she definitely knows how to generate enough interest to stay on technorati's top 10 searches. little teaser posts and all. she does seem like an attention-seeker. but I suppose she is tired of the brainless insults.


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