Thursday, December 08, 2005

frickin' freezin'

it's frickin' freezin'. snow is pretty - whee!! it's too dastardly cold - bleah!! the house feels so cozy - whee!! my hands are raw and chapped - bleah!!

winter. it's romantic. when it snows it's so peaceful. so pretty. so serene. so right for christmas. soft flakes floating down. huge flakes whirling round and round. every little branch is coated. and if the conditions are right, the snow melts slighltly and freezes over the branches. every twig coated in ice. so unbelievably magical. dark, almost black branches contrast sharply with the blinding white and glittering ice. love the walks in the snow. with someone special in tow. with hot chocolate or just holding hands. snowmen. snowballs. snowangels. snowfights. the nice crunch of fresh snow under your boots. the fresh footprints appearing and disappearing. when it snows, I feel happy. whether it is staring out the window or stomping around in the snow. even clearing the snow from the car and shoveling does not detract from the fun. but even with all the magical moments, I have to say that winter sucks.

winter... sucks. it's frickin' freezin'. slather on the creams and chapstick. red ears and pink noses. losing the feeling in my fingers and toes. mufflers and hats and down jackets. even all bundled up, it takes time to build up that warm pocket of air. the first step outside is chilling to the bone. leather seats are freezing. my freaking jeans feel like they're frozen. static is everywhere. and what about the magical snow and the blardy freezing rain. the snow may be pretty but after the magic, all that's left is a sheet of ice. over sidewalks and streets. get ready to skate without skates. so far, I've been lucky. no painful falls on the bum. I'm not like the duckies. happily waddling on the ice. and when the snow finally melts, the slush is ugly and dirty. lumps of soiled ice stretching on and on. and the cold wind blows. so strongly I swear it's enough to support my weight. and I hunch over and shiver. over and over. the damned cold. it goes on forever.

I hate winter. please save me from the cold. don't remind me that it is not yet january.


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