damn spammers
it's the new year and I'm already cranky. thanks to one damned spammer. this damned prick came back 11 times in the past 2 months. repeatedly spamming the same 3 posts. so, in all probability, it must be a bot. so this ass runs a bot to publicize their ass of a website? sure, running a bot is no sweat. no effort required. and since blogger does not support ip blacklist, they are free to troll the non-captcha blogs. nevermind the fact that most of the affected blogs have zero influence on search engine results, since most blog platforms use the no follow tag on the comments, hence zero impact. again most of these blogs have low readership so no one other than the irate blog owner will see the spam. on top of that, the spam is totally unrelated to the blog content such that even if someone does chance upon it, it is highly improbable that they would click on it. so the result is inconvenience for me and no benefit for anybody. unless they paid a blood sucking professional spammer to advertise for them, then there is a winner.
now, since I don't fancy turning on captcha, and I don't want to have to deal with this bastard, I've republished my posts so that they come under a different url. hopefully this will be the end of my annoyance with the spam bot. hopefully blogs that don't employ the no follow tag will hurriedly do so! death to all spammers!! and since that alone does not give me enough satisfaction, a little help from domain registrations gives me...
yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com yvan@acal.com
here's hoping some of the right spiders come crawling this way. yes, I do realize that this is a low traffic blog but I do have faith in the spiders. after all, this all started with one.
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