blogosphere gossip
hohoho. the blogosphere can be so entertaining. except when you're bearing the brunt of it. poor dawn. so much hoo hah until she became #1 on technorati. ish! from what I've gathered, she probably told a few white lies, brag sikit, and now bagi orang taruh teruk teruk. how not to pity her? the poor girl is pretty. not drop dead gorgeous but pretty lah. so what if she's plastic? she definitely looks better now than in her old pics. mostly due to makeup and weight loss I suppose. but it does look like she had a nose job. my eyes and cheeks look different from before but I'm still stuck with my pudgy nose. maybe she used this contraption. I should probably look into it for myself. anyway, cut her some slack. she got her contract. let her try her best. you called her bluff. and now everyone knows it. that's what you get for claiming to be better than you are. little white lies coming back to haunt you. she's going into showbiz. most of them are plastic anyway. it's scary how maggie cheung and andy lau still look like how they were when I was in high school. anyway, enough damage done kua.
the other ripple is about the infamous mini. the blog queen. you better watch out or she will descend upon you with her minions. her highness goes around ridiculing and lording over plebeian bloggers.
('oy, you should blog like this'
'hewo, some ppl are so stooooooopid')
paraphrasing lah. like I'm supposed to remember the exact words. talking about xiaxue as kurang ajar etc., when she is the one embarrassing msians. don't go spewing more of the xx hates kl stuff. msians not so siu hei ok. kl is not perfect. singapore isn't either. that is an old story so stop trying to revive it. like with the outburst at the poor buffalo singaporeans. geez!! calling them stoooooopid and katak bawah tempurung. so what if they thought you were singaporean and male? people make mistakes. a little poke to tell them - 'hey, I'm a msian girl leh' would have been more appropriate. saying things like - 'I belong to Malaysia thank you very much, and its blardy annoying when people make this kind of stoopid mistake' is like huh? don't lump us in with you lah. I don't yell at the japanese storekeepers when they greet me in japanese when I enter the store you know. should I shout - 'damn it! I'm not blardy japanese. just because I have yellow skin and walked in a japanese store bitch bitch bitch'. must be the pms. as if this kind of behaviour shows proper education. it's only a blog isn't it? anyway, sorry already, why password the entry? if you're really sorry then show people what it is you're sorry for lah.
and then the fake blogwar. like so bigshot like that. hahaha. see you all so stooooopid!! pwn!! it's that kind of attitude that pisses me off. and then of course must pretend to be the better person even though she's probably seething inside. (we love you all) orrr.... you're so sweet. so big of you. and the stupid animal story. I thought the 1st pinky story was damn funny. but she had to bring herself in as the all-knowing, prescient elf in the sequel or whatever. (I knew it was coming, because I'm so smart. people like pinky so stupid, can't even figure it out) said the smarty-shorts elf. ugh! and don't forget the guest blogger thing. like what?? (my blog is so great so be grateful my minions, that I let you be my guest). but it sure worked for me. would've never read the guests if not for her blog. except viewtru of course. anyway, it isn't too surprising then that mini drew attacks from other bloggers. kim was especially caustic. *cringes* be careful of kim! one could easily go blind from the biting personal attack.
aiyah, if I hate her so much, why do I keep going back? because I love drama. and she's good at finding or creating it. and I don't hate her. how can I? since I don't know her. and it's entertaining. anyway, she's definitely making it big. fan or not, she's racking up the links!! let's see, how many I have contributed... at least mini is up-front with how highly she thinks of herself. instead of being falsely modest liddat.
(stuff in brackets is paraphrased or sarcastic lah)
oh goodie! *blushes* thanks. always fun to know i've made someone's day.
there's a very very old post in my old site where i got pissed when people said 'sawadeeka' to me and continued to rattle off in thai... and i got so fucking pissed i blogged about it too. but at that time i wasn't any 'blog queen' lah. come to think of it, now i'm not a blog queen lah. all this is a super overrated hype that doesn't want to end yet, that's all.
yipee!! royal visit!
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