where is my ice?
hurricane wilma is long gone. not so the woes she left behind. it really has been a tough year. watching the whining plastered on tv shortly after wilma came through made it even worse. the long lines for water and supplies. people complaining about how they were beyond disappointment. how they don't understand why the government still can't get it right. so wilma has just come and gone. immediately after the hurricane, these people ran out of water and food? they live in florida. they were warned long before the storm hit. why did they not stock up on supplies? you live in florida. surely you know what hurricane season means.
how many named storms come through florida each hurricane season?? what is a hurricane?? a powerful storm that could potential destroy everything in its path. so, people should be prepared. stock up on water, food, batteries, ice boxes, generators, and whatever else you think you'll need in the next week. I totally understand if your house was blown away and all your emergency supplies were strewn all over the place. but if your house is still standing, why are you wasting your time lining up and whining about how incompetent the government is? do you realize how many millions of people were affected by the storm?? if everyone depended on the government to supply them with food and water, how on earth is everyone going to be taken care of?
bitch bitch bitch. where is fema?? my house is flooded. no kidding your house is flooded. there was a freaking hurricane. how much manpower do you think fema has?? how much money do you think the federal government has?? who do you think pays for all this? the freaking taxpayers from the whole freaking country, that's who. do the rest of us have to pay for a gazillion fema workers and a gazillion pounds of ice for all of you who didn't prepare for the hurricane?? how can you not have enough supplies?? did no one tell you that a hurricane was coming??
and all the impatience with the power outage. it was inevitable that there would be power outages!! hurricanes happen every freaking year. and every single time, there are power outages. and the area affected was huge!! and you have people saying they don't understand how the power companies can be so heartless and not restore the power immediately. like huh??? and the newscasters aren't much better. asking the power company representatives why did this happen? what is the problem?? why are so many people still without power? do they not have any common sense? what do you mean what is the problem?? do you not know how power is delivered in florida?? on freaking power lines!! do you not know how long it would take to put back each pole that has been blown down and connect each and every snapped cable?? are they supposed to magically right themselves?? an actual person has to go re-connect each and every broken point. they must think that the people listening to the news are pretty daft to not understand what happens when hurricanes and power lines collide. maybe florida should start burying all those cables so they won't have to keep repairing them. but of course the cost is too prohibitive, just as the cost of raising the levies were too prohibitive before katrina. don't we all get it that nothing is going to change if we keep delivering power through overhead cables in hurricane prone areas?
let's not forget those who refused to evacuate during the mandatory evacuation. it was mandatory damnit!! but you still have these people that refuse to move. I'm not talking about the destitute here. I'm talking about the middle income folks who choose to live in areas like key west. and after the hurricane, of course the media will interview those who stayed behind. and we get to hear how horrible and terrifying it was and how they will never do that again. I guess you thought you knew better huh!
the thing is, why are some people so quick to complain?? why do they ask for so much?? how do you expect the government to accomodate millions of people at the same time? why can't they be more self-reliant? all these whiners are hindering the government agencies from helping those who really need it. you know, those who lost their homes and have nothing left.
well, fema only have themselves to blame. their failure during katrina started all this. luckily for them most people understand that fema can't hold everyone by the hand. they just have to remember to roll up their sleeves on tv.
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