Tuesday, May 24, 2005

raining worms...

yup! worms are falling from the sky. why? because it's spring. flowers bloom. pollen scatters. everything is so pretty and I can't stop sneezing. but that's fine. nothing an allergy pill can't solve. so springtime in boston is lovely! fresh vibrant green in the parks. trees exploding with flowers. seriously, it's pure flowers and nothing else. absolutely spectacular. carpets of flowers on the ground. so very beautiful but also so very ephemeral. work sucks so I only get to smell the flowers on the weekend. peak bloom only lasts a week. so you'd have to be in the know to be able to catch specific plants at specific times. magnolias were first. followed by the sakuras and the crabapples. then the tulips. and now the lilacs. unfortunately it has also been raining every weekend! what a spoiler for flower viewing. but worst of all are the raining worms!! they seriously freak me out! creepy crawly things falling from the trees. small ones less than 1cm. large ones approximately an inch long. bright green or dark brown. hairy or smooth. they all gross me out! what will really freak me out is if they manage to drop into my collar. I can imagine the little dance I will be performing then. creepy crawlies please disappear!!! come on birdies... eat up!! till then I'll be hiding under my hat or umbrella...


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