habemvs papam!
we have a pope! that was a fast conclave. at least, that's what I have been told. Pope Benedict XVI. here I was still speculating, still expecting to see puffs of black smoke on tv, and suddenly.... white smoke! ringing of bells! temporary crashing of bbc... and finally habemvs papam!!! and it was the conservative choice!! that I certainly didn't expect, especially after being influenced by the press. heh heh. he does look very strict (probably shouldn't use the word harsh! heh heh). anyway, it's all good. the pope said he plans to unite christians and develop better relations with other religions, or something like that. american press were quick to mention that he was behind the no communion for john kerry incident. XD I for one agree that he shouldn't receive communion! it's hypocritical!! but the church's stance is too strict. rape victims should be able to take the morning after pill. but third trimester abortion on the other hand, is just too cruel! anyway, now we shall wait and see if and how the new pope changes the church. one other thing, he's not that old! interim pope? I don't think so. the US presidency only lasts for 4 yrs anyway.
the other interesting thing was the papal names. I thought that popes could only choose from the names of the apostles. looks like I don't know my church history now huh. anyway, it seems that changing names is not required per se. the first pope to change his name did so because he had a "pagan" name - Mercurius. guess that made sense. I've learned so much! :p
there was also some mention of "pink smoke" protests. have women priests, allow priests to wed etc. well, I guess we now are all aware of the importance of mary magdalene. and how she was the favorite "apostle" of Jesus. therefore, it should not be that unthinkable for women to be given an opportunity to be priests. but married priests? celibacy is a huge commitment. if one isn't willing to commit that much, how can one commit to life of a priest? to be beyond reproach. to walk in the footsteps of Christ. anyway, that is just imho. faith is trust in God. and therefore trust in the vatican. unfortunately the history of the vatican is far from spotless.
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