Monday, April 04, 2005

horrible news music

the pope has passed on. media coverage is heavy. I recently realized why he was the only pope I could recall. that's because he was the pope for 26 years! I was also wondering why I'm so unfamiliar with the papal succession! since I am catholic. heh. now, I regret not having had the chance to hear him speak. my closest chance would have been when he visited new york a while back. it is quite amazing that he passed away on the eve of "mercy sunday", a day he "created". but what really irks me now is the horrible music they play on the news. every network has their "signature tune". they will not fail to play this miserable tune each and every time before they speak of the passing of the pope. it is absolutely horrendous and sickening. they had one for the iraq war, for the war in afghanistan, the presidential election, and for 9/11. in fact, it could be that they are using the same tune for all sad occasions. e.g. the same tune for 9/11 and also for the passing of the pope. how pathetic would that be?! anyway, it completely drives me nuts everytime I hear that insanely annoying tune before each papal newspiece. *aaaarrghhh!!!* this just builds on my feeling of disgust for the way the news is presented here. i.e. sensationalized crap... annoying teasers... etc. but I still have to watch it *sobs*

continues to mutter...


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