Friday, September 30, 2005

rude drivers

rude drivers lack emotional control. no shit! rude~emotional outburst~no emotional control. or maybe, rude~uncouth~improper upbringing. obviously those insane drivers have problems. obviously they are not in a zen-like state. you can see it in the body language. the scowls, stares, bending over the wheel. sure these people have problems with their emotions. but I doubt that is the root of it all. we all have stress. we all have pressures. doesn't mean that we all subscribe to the screw everyone else ideology. I think it's another manifestation of the ME! ME!! ME!!! phenomena. just like this, this and this. is it that hard to be more considerate of others? why can't I be oblivious? why do I have to notice all these things? I need to get some blinkers. lastly, self-absorbed people should attend the emotional intelligence seminar recommended in the article! supposedly good road behaviour can be taught through classes on anger management, impulse control and stress tolerance. I think it's more of an ingrained me above all others atitude. yah man! it's all about ME!


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