august - a slow news month
so what's on the news lately? cindy sheehan. she has overtaken the gaza pullout. can you believe that? everyone is interviewing her. I can't get away from her. aarrggh....
'..cindy can you tell us..'
'..and camped in texas..'
'..huge crowd led by cindy..'
'..cindy sheehan speaks..'
*flips to fear factor out of desperation*
do I really want to hear more about her? hell no!! it is just useless blabbering to me. what does it all come down to? I'm staging a protest here so that pres bush will come talk to me. that's it!! so why must we be inundated with footage of her on every newscast? why why why???!!
why does she want to speak with bush? why should he? he has already met with her after her son died. what about the thousands of others? will he have to agree to meet all of them?
the iraq war was a mistake. on many levels. but the milk has already been spilt. nothing left to do but clean it up. the US severely underestimated the number of troops needed post-invasion. they severely underestimated the intensity of the insurgents and the time it would take to withdraw. they went in with insufficient international backing. and now everyone is paying the price. the insurgents are wreaking havoc daily. why? do they not have confidence in the democratic elections? or is it because they are the minority, hence they would be left out of the picture in a democratic election? the americans are deemed evil. if they had gone in under the UN banner, it would not have been so bad. but it is all too late now. there is no way the US can hand over the operations to the UN now. poor intelligence. poor strategy.
unfortunately there is no turning back. what does she expect? but she demands a sudden pullout? any idiot knows that is just impossible. once started, it has to be seen through to the end. or does she want bush to admit that he botched it? that again is impossible. not with troops still engaged in the conflict. so why does she want to meet bush? what does she want him to say? in a way it is good to see people protesting the war, holding bush responsible for the high casualty rate. but is there a viable exit strategy? hopefully they have one. but enough already. I can't wait to hear the last of cindy sheehan. now if you are looking for publicity, remember that august is a slow news month.
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