Friday, June 24, 2005

pps anniversary

hottest news in the malaysian blogosphere atm? pps anniversary bash of course. of course since I'm such a kpc, I'm busy looking at all the photos and videos and podcasts and whatever else the lucky bloggers are spewing out. most of the bloggers are in their 20s I suppose. no one I recognized, how sad. thought there might be some secret bloggers among my acquaintances. kennysia, jeffooi, and simon won. 1 out of 3 ain't bad. I voted for jaded and viewtru because he is so funny even without pictures. food was not too good? maybe kenduri style would be easier?

anyway pps is really quite ingenious! at least I think so. want more traffic? make friends? be heard? then ping! don't want attention? then don't ping! even if what you write seems pretty uninteresting, like bad hair day or boss being a pain day, people will read if you ping. don't know why. maybe a lot of kpcs like me haunt pps.

with all the press comes some trouble I suppose. after winning blog of the year, is kennysia supposed to be more responsible and serious? macam mana sekarang? is he supposed to represent malaysians as a whole? I suppose so. he is supposed to represent malaysian bloggers since malaysian bloggers voted for him. this just means that malaysian bloggers love funny blogs. he is the funny malaysian blogger! and minishorts is getting flak for her foul language after appearing on thestar. well, it is her blog. changing would affect the essence of their blogs. some blogs are obviously not intended for little kids. little kids don't read the paper anyway. too much sheltering is not a good thing. should the paper also stop reviewing pg16 etc. type of movies? on the other hand, some bloggers have toned down on the cursing because of their younger audience.

what about xiaxue? she's asian blogger of the year twice in a row. does that mean she should start blogging about more substantial subjects? but that is not why she won! it's like telling the hollywood celebs to become philanthropists. yes, a lot of celebs champion charities but they still have their careers because that is what they are good at. also, charitable celebs don't necessarily live exemplary lives.

why did such seemingly substance-less blogs win? is it because malaysians don't care about serious issues? maybe it is because most blogs are not serious blogs to begin with, and that malaysians like entertaining blogs. akin to daily comics or sitcoms. whatever it is, with fame comes responsibility and expectation. no more today so boring or my boss is an ass posts. not too much anyway. unless they have nerves of steel to withstand catty comments launched by envious creatures.

happy belated birthday pps!


At 1:47 AM, Blogger xialanxue said...

check out


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