Monday, January 17, 2005

hmm... interesting article this is..

the search for a malaysian race. well, ok. who hasn't really thought about this? maybe not enough? i've been away for so long. close to a decade away from malaysia. spend roughly 3 weeks in malaysia every 2 years. in a lot of ways, i feel like a stranger in my home country. when anwar was released, i had no idea what ppl thought of him. i don't know what i think of him. but i have to say this race issue has been clear to me for a long time. we all know about the "affirmative action" that goes on. it has been accepted. change does not look good. would one begrudgingly give away an advantage that by now seems unfair? and what about the fact that this advantage is enjoyed by the majority? i can only see unrest and unimaginable violence if this was to be done abruptly. but how can it be done subtly? everyone is aware. slight movements trigger troublesome ripples. i doubt there is a way out. but change is inevitable. the plans may continue. the change would then be continued "brain drain". leading to perhaps a changed country, changing the definition of a malaysian. minorities would become more apparent, as those who can leave, will. why not? of course there are reasons for staying. as i always look forward to going "home". it would be sad if that changes for more of us. the other possibility brought up by the writer: a truly multiethnic political party. that definitely seems like a workable solution. better than the changing of policies by those now in power, is slowly changing those in power themselves. the success of a multiethnic party would show us the numbers. the numbers of like-minded people getting the mandate that is surely needed before any change in policies. this may be the time. the time that will define the face of the new malaysian. the time to stay and contribute, or the time to leave it behind and move on.


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